Many of us think of our dogs as members of the family. We love them and want what’s best for them. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the things that may pose a threat to their health, including food allergies. If your dog is experiencing any of the following symptoms, it may be time to take a closer look at his or her diet. If you think your dog may be allergic to certain foods try this Dog food allergy test.

Signs of food allergy in dogs
1. Vomiting
2. Diarrhea
3. Gas
4. Bloating
5. Constipation
6. Itchy skin
7. Excessive licking
8. Hot spots
9. Ear infections
10. Paw chewing/licking

Foods Your Dog May Be Allergic To
If your dog is displaying any of these symptoms, he or she may be allergic to one or more of the following foods:
1. Milk and dairy products
2. Eggs
3. Wheat
4. Corn
5. Soybeans
6. Fish
7. Chicken
8. Beef
9. Lamb
10. Pork

While some of these allergies are more common than others, all of them have the potential to cause serious health problems for your dog if left untreated.

If you suspect your dog has a food allergy, the best option is to order a Whole Pet Wellness Panel – Food and Environment Sensitive Test to give insight and immediate course of action to eliminate the offending food from his or her diet altogether. With proper care and treatment, your furry friend can live a long and happy life!

In the end

Just like humans, dogs can suffer from allergies to certain foods. If your four-legged friend is experiencing any of the following symptoms, it may be time for a trip to the vet: vomiting, diarrhea, gas, bloating, constipation, itchy skin, excessive licking, hot spots, ear infections, or paw chewing/licking. Some common allergens include milk and dairy products, eggs, wheat, corn, soybeans, fish, chicken, beef, lamb, and pork though any food has the potential to trigger an allergic reaction in dogs.

If you think your pup may have a food allergy, contact your vet immediately to discuss treatment options which may include switching to a hypoallergenic diet or eliminating the offending food from his or her diet altogether.”